
Higher Order Functions
A function that takes in a function (as a parameter) or returns a function. This helps your code be more “DRY” and makes testing easier by keeping functions smaller. .filter(), .map(), and .reduce() are all higher order functions!


This function allows you to pass in a second parameter (another function!) that modifies the array.

const modifyArray = (array, instructions) =>
  array.reduce((result, e) => {
    return result;
  }, [])

const clapback = (input) => {
  return `${input} 👏`

const chopLastLetter = (input) => {
  const chopped = input.substring(0, input.length - 1);
  return `${chopped} 🔪`;

const clap = modifyArray(["higher", "order", "function"], clapback);
// ["higher 👏", "order 👏", "function 👏"]

const chop = modifyArray(["higher", "order", "function"], chopLastLetter);
// ["highe 🔪", "orde 🔪", "functio 🔪"]

Functions can be passed into other functions:

const playMathGame = (x, y, operation) => {
  return operation(x, y);

const add = (x, y) => x + y;

const subtract = (x, y) => x - y;

const multiply = (x, y) => x * y;

const divide = (x, y) => x / y;

playMathGame(2, 5, add); // 7
playMathGame(10, 5, subtract); // 5
playMathGame(2, 2, multiply); // 4
playMathGame(10, 5, divide); // 2

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